Marilyn Rose Coaching

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More Than a SMILE😊

Did you know that October 7th was World Smile Day? 

The iconic yellow smiley face was created in 1963 by graphic artist Harvey Ball, and in 1999, World Smile Day became a national holiday.

Did you know that children smile an average of 400 times per day? 

Happy people...40/50's times per day, and on average, we smile 20 times daily?

Studies have shown there is a difference between "genuine" smiles and "social" smiles, but they agree that even a "fake" smile elevates our mood and makes us feel happier. I prefer "real," yet I understand the point.

Did you also know that it takes way more muscles & effort to produce a frown than it does to smile?

Undoubtedly, there are many challenges and troubles in this world. For many, the Holidays can evoke deep sadness and pain.

We are hard-wired for safety and protection, so it makes perfect sense that our initial default would be to focus on what's wrong, whether real or perceived; thankfully, research continuously confirms neuropeptides and neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins are released when we are smiling, lightening anxiety and stress levels. 

Smiling more will not only change your energy and mood in navigating life's challenges but may also lighten the weight and burden of another, even for a moment.  

I am naturally curious and optimistic, and with reflective practices, I can see opportunity in just about anything. I once judged and avoided anything that didn't feel good. You can only imagine how much I avoided, including the most genuine expression of myself.

How we speak to ourselves and others matters; the questions we ask, consciously and unconsciously, make a difference and can impact the results we experience.

When we ask questions that focus on what's working and going well, it changes our responses moving forward. Questions like:

  • What's most meaningful to me?

  • What makes it meaningful to me right now?

  • What is the best thing that's happened today? At work? Before work?

  • Who inspires you?

  • What about them inspires you?

  • How does that make you feel?

  • Who do you love?

  • What about them do you love?

  • How do they make you feel?

Problems and challenges are inevitable, and though we may not be able to control our circumstances or what someone else says, thinks, or does, we can most certainly control who we are, what we say, and how we choose to show up each moment.

What practices have you incorporated into your life, home, or office that inspire more smiling, gratitude, and happiness?

⭐️A Gift for YOU🎁

Rewire your brain with this simple practice that will inspire you to notice all that is working
and beautiful in your life and world.
Download my PDF called MY TOP THREE.