Have you ever locked yourself out of a house because you didn’t have the key? In the same way, have you ever locked yourself out of an opportunity because you didn’t have confidence?
Thomas Edison said, “If we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”
Do you ever harbor regret for missing opportunities? What were the obstacles or beliefs that held you back? How did you feel?
Now imagine a time in your life when you experienced an exuberant amount of confidence regarding an event or situation. What gave you that confidence? i.e. “I am a quick learner," or, "I've done this before!" How did you feel? How did confidence impact your performance?
You may not have clinched the deal, but you nailed the process! Having confidence does not always guarantee your desired outcome. Having confidence generates an attitude of success enabling you to experience opportunities you may have otherwise avoided.
“Confidence comes from success…But confidence also combines another quality because you can be successful, yet lack confidence. It requires a mental attitude shift to an expectation of success. And this alone, can bring about more success, reinforcing the confidence. It spirals from there.” ~Jason Hihn
The great news? Having a lack of confidence, also derived from “feelings and/or “beliefs” can be shifted into confidence. How does your level of confidence motivate or limit your experiences in life?
How confident do you appear to others? Do your children believe you when you say “no”? Or do they take solace knowing through experience, that your “no” doesn’t always mean “no”. Our behaviors, body language, tone of voice, clarity in content may be how others see us externally, though the underlying message comes from within us. Both are worth examining.
Simple, because you can apply these right now in this very moment:
Stand up tall with your head held high, relax your shoulders, and smile:)
Increase the tone of the pitch in you’re voice.
Don’t rush…take your time when you speak.
Keep a “confidence” journal - record your successes, challenges, and obstacles.
Identify and draw from the areas where you are confident.
Practice…confidence is built; it doesn't magically appear…you’ll get there!
Shift negative thoughts or beliefs - ie. “I don’t remember anything” to “I remember things when I create a list or outline”.
Be mindful of your thoughts before you respond - are you in alignment with who you are and what you want?
Examine yourself and list your strengths and weaknesses
Turn your weaknesses or limits into strengths and possibilities. For example, impatience can be shifted to pro-activity. Keep practicing this step and your will experience your fear and lack of confidence diminish!
Create a plan of success - what is it you want to accomplish? “What are the obstacles or fears that I face?” “What is one step I can take right now to begin to over-come that obstacle or fear?”
Make a commitment - revisit your journal and your goals. Put confidence into practice and watch your confidence soar! It’s like anything in life, the more you practice, the better you become.
Most importantly, accept and love yourself right where you are at this moment. Be courageous and bold as you commit to unlocking the door to the world of possibilities!