Making Peace with Uncertainty: Three Keys to Navigating Life’s Discomfort


As humans, we often fill in the blanks, though our ability to truly listen is one of the most powerful skills we can cultivate, both in coaching and life. Not only listening to spoken words, but tuning in to the deeper messages, the underlying emotions, and the untold truths that guide us toward change and growth.

When we listen, fully present, whether to the voice inside ourselves, the person we're speaking with, or the energy in a room, we open ourselves to possibilities that might otherwise be blinded. Listening in this way invites us to ask questions that don't just get to the surface but invite inquiry that creates profound shifts.

Coaches speak often of the power of asking questions. But what makes a question genuinely transformative? It's not about seeking a quick response or resolve. It's about giving the question the time and space to settle within ourselves and those we communicate with.

Below, you'll find three types of questions that lead to lasting change:


1. Questions that Challenge Limiting Beliefs:
These questions gently disrupt the assumptions holding us back. They invite us to question the stories we've been telling ourselves, stories that may have once served us but now limit our true selves and potential. Questions like:

How does holding on to this assumption serve me, and how might it hold me back? or

Who might I become if I chose not to believe this story anymore?

When we ask these questions like these, we invite ourselves and our clients to look beyond the familiar, to see new perspectives, and to recognize the vast possibilities that exist when we free ourselves from limiting beliefs.

2. Questions that Evoke Vision:
These questions shift our focus from problems to possibilities. They help us envision the future in a way that ignites excitement and purpose. Questions like:

If success had no boundaries, how would I define it for myself?

Which aspects of my future am I most passionate about shaping right now?

By asking these questions, we permit ourselves to expand our dreams, to imagine what could be rather than what's been. In this visioning space, change becomes a desire and a driving force that compels us to move forward with more energy, confidence, and purpose.

3. Questions that Uncover Our Truth:
The answers we need are often within us. However, we require the right questions to uncover them. Questions that help explore deeper into our values, motivations, and true desires like:

Where and when do I feel most alive, and how can I bring that energy into other areas of my life?

What fears or self-doubts could be masking my deepest desires?

By listening to the voice within and finding our truth, we gain clarity and insight that guide our decisions and actions moving forward. It's a reminder that change is not about becoming someone else; it's about becoming who we truly are.

When we ask these questions, we're not just seeking answers. We're inviting a process of deep reflection and transformation. The questions catalyze lasting and sustainable change, guiding us toward alignment with our true selves more effortlessly.

Which questions are you asking yourself today that are guiding you toward the person you aspire to become?

So the next time you're coaching, leading, or reflecting on your life, trust that the questions you ask will guide you far more effectively than focusing solely on the answers or outcome.

With Grace,

Does change and the uncertainties in life weight you down? If you’re struggling and would like to learn more about coaching, feel free to schedule a time to meet below.


The Paradox of "Not Knowing"


Embracing Uncertainty

The shift from summer's embrace to the brisk touch of fall reminds me of life's ever-present paradoxes and endless opportunities. The leaves change color with assured certainty yet present unique, unpredictable patterns each day. Similarly, while we can anticipate the seasons, tomorrow's experiences and challenges remain uncertain. This duality of predictability and mystery brings us to the heart of our topic: finding comfort in places of "not knowing."

This intertwining of predictability and mystery leads us to a profound reflection: the empowering nature of embracing "not knowing."

In our solution-driven world, there's surprising strength in admitting, "I don't know." While it sounds counterintuitive, particularly in professions that prize expertise, consider this: our most profound moments of growth and connection lie in gaining comfort and embracing the unknown.

The philosophy of the "beginner's mind," eloquently shared by Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki, captures this essence. It speaks of a mindset unclouded by biases and prior judgments, where possibilities are as vast as the universe.

"In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind there are few."

The International Coach Federation (ICF) also acknowledges the importance of this concept in Core Competency 5.5, emphasizing comfort in spaces of "not knowing," highlighting the power of embracing uncertainty in personal and professional spaces.

So, what potential unfolds when we anchor ourselves in the sanctuary of "not knowing"?

  1. In places of NOT KNOWING, there are no limitations to what is possible. Fresh perspectives emerge, and novel solutions are discovered.

  2. In places of NOT KNOWING, I approach situations with presence. This presence fosters genuine listening and deeper understanding.

  3. In places of NOT KNOWING, my mind is open and receptive. I become more adaptable and willing to learn from every experience.

  4. In places of NOT KNOWING, I release the burden of expertise. Without the weight of expectations, I can navigate situations with a lighter spirit.

  5. In places of NOT KNOWING, I'm free from the confines of past patterns. This freedom allows for spontaneous and creative responses.

  6. In places of NOT KNOWING, I foster a sense of wonder and curiosity. Every moment becomes an opportunity for exploration and discovery.

  7. In places of NOT KNOWING, I am not attached to outcomes. This detachment can lead to greater equanimity and peace when facing challenges.

  8. In places of NOT KNOWING, I welcome collaboration. Recognizing my gaps allows me to seek and value the knowledge and perspectives of others.

  9. In places of NOT KNOWING, I am reminded of the vastness and mystery of existence, cultivating a sense of awe and reverence for life.

  10. In places of NOT KNOWING, I embrace the journey of continuous growth. Rather than resting on past achievements, I aspire to continuously seek, learn, and evolve.

By remaining present and truly opening ourselves in the space of "not knowing," we unlock boundless opportunities and insights. Reflection:

  • How does "not knowing" resonate with you?

  • What pressures do you impose on yourself to have all the answers?

  • What narratives play in your mind when faced with uncertainties?

  • How might embracing "not knowing" transform your experience of life?

Remember, being in a place of "not knowing" doesn't reflect inadequacy. It's a call to trust in life's journey, welcoming the boundless insights and growth accompanying such trust.

In these ever-evolving times, our shared human experience sparkles the brightest. I invite you to explore the realms of "not knowing" together. I'm here to support you if you want to dive deeper into understanding and embracing this transformative space.

I would love to hear your thoughts.
Connect with me today!

With Love and Possibilities, Always, 
Marilyn ox


Year in Review

Here we are today, another year past, a new present moment, and a brand-new year ahead!


A year ago, I shared a blog article and holiday email called The Gift of Grace and Presence, highlighting the relevance of those two words. 

Words are powerful. 

Words can make us laugh or cry. They can heal, hurt, offer hope or crush us. Whether consciously or unconsciously, the words we choose can allow us to fulfill our deepest desires and also be the very thing that holds us back. The words we choose with ourselves and others matter. 

When we attach meaning to words and words to our experience, they become our Reality.

My Reality (then)

Distracted is defined "as having one's thoughts or attention drawn awayunable to concentrate or give attention to something." 

Growing up, "easily distracted" was commonplace on my report cards. As I grew older and the world, responsibilities, and opportunities became more abundant and complex, my inability to focus would lead to agitation and thoughts of inadequacy. Understandably, these thoughts would exacerbate my ability to focus on the task at hand, impacting my growth. Labeled as a character flaw, "I am easily distracted. " 

My Reality (now)

Today I understand and embrace my uniqueness. The clarity of what matters most to me (my values) and the awareness that the same gifts, strengths, and aspects I have come to love most about myself can also be the source of challenges—so profound a discovery.

I love to collaborate, learn, experience, and create new things, and amid all the newness, I inspire easily. I feel a lot, and ideas flow freely and regularly. In the past, it all felt like too much, whereas today, I embrace it all as so much. So much possibility and opportunity!

A few years back, my word was "focus," which led me to practice and create tools and strategies to optimize my strengths and gifts in anything I was doing and building one step at a time.

Last year I chose two words, grace and presence.

Grace is like the love of God covering me like a warm blanket that acknowledged all I felt while allowing me space to feel, explore, and understand with acceptance and love instead of judgment or shame. 

Presence inspired the truth of what was happening each moment, allowing me to understand, learn, and choose how best to move forward. And this year?

Well, I've narrowed my 2023 words down to 3 today: SimplicityNourishment, and Peace, and you know what? I am keeping all three.

Reflecting on this past year and visioning what's ahead with questions included in my newest fillable reflection journal will help you to know yourself more while empowering you with all that you are and need to live and experience life fully in 2023.

With Love, and Possibilities,
Marilyn ox


More Than a SMILE😊


Did you know that October 7th was World Smile Day? 

The iconic yellow smiley face was created in 1963 by graphic artist Harvey Ball, and in 1999, World Smile Day became a national holiday.

Did you know that children smile an average of 400 times per day? 

Happy people...40/50's times per day, and on average, we smile 20 times daily?


Studies have shown there is a difference between "genuine" smiles and "social" smiles, but they agree that even a "fake" smile elevates our mood and makes us feel happier. I prefer "real," yet I understand the point.

Did you also know that it takes way more muscles & effort to produce a frown than it does to smile?

Undoubtedly, there are many challenges and troubles in this world. For many, the Holidays can evoke deep sadness and pain.

We are hard-wired for safety and protection, so it makes perfect sense that our initial default would be to focus on what's wrong, whether real or perceived; thankfully, research continuously confirms neuropeptides and neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins are released when we are smiling, lightening anxiety and stress levels. 

Smiling more will not only change your energy and mood in navigating life's challenges but may also lighten the weight and burden of another, even for a moment.  

I am naturally curious and optimistic, and with reflective practices, I can see opportunity in just about anything. I once judged and avoided anything that didn't feel good. You can only imagine how much I avoided, including the most genuine expression of myself.


How we speak to ourselves and others matters; the questions we ask, consciously and unconsciously, make a difference and can impact the results we experience.

When we ask questions that focus on what's working and going well, it changes our responses moving forward. Questions like:

  • What's most meaningful to me?

  • What makes it meaningful to me right now?

  • What is the best thing that's happened today? At work? Before work?

  • Who inspires you?

  • What about them inspires you?

  • How does that make you feel?

  • Who do you love?

  • What about them do you love?

  • How do they make you feel?


Problems and challenges are inevitable, and though we may not be able to control our circumstances or what someone else says, thinks, or does, we can most certainly control who we are, what we say, and how we choose to show up each moment.

What practices have you incorporated into your life, home, or office that inspire more smiling, gratitude, and happiness?

⭐️A Gift for YOU🎁

Rewire your brain with this simple practice that will inspire you to notice all that is working
and beautiful in your life and world.
Download my PDF called MY TOP THREE.


Letter For The GIVERS



To The Givers,

That CARE and CONCERN you so freely extend to others;

The warm SILENCE and SAFETY you so naturally create for those seeking refuge;

And the way you COMMUNICATE with genuine KINDNESS and GRACE,

Along with your ability to ACCEPT without JUDGMENT, it is most beautiful and inspiring. 

Do you treat yourself similarly? 

If not, what stands in the way of extending that same GRACE, LOVE, ACCEPTANCE, and CARE you so FREELY GIVE to OTHERS to YOURSELF?

The way you speak to yourself matters.

You LOVE, HEAL, GIVE, FEEL, CARE, and HELP without expecting anything in return.

Today and Always give yourself the due RESPECT, for YOU most deserve that same LOVING AFFECTION toward yourself...ALWAYS💞

Marilyn ox

Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love. ~Brené Brown


If you have any questions about

this blog post or would like to learn more about coaching with me, click below. Would love to chat!


The Gift of Grace and Presence

As we enter yet another New Year with so much uncertainty, the word GRACE and PRESENCE continues to emerge. 

Amidst the many challenges we face today, many outside of our control, wonder continues to surround us.

As a coach, I have this beautiful opportunity to support extraordinary humans navigating broad and varied beliefs, challenges, and dreams. Each with their unique journey, experiences, and perspective while desiring similar outcomes. To live life to the fullest.

So much of what gets in the way is our judgments and perceptions of ourselves others. As humans, we typically notice what is wrong. It makes sense because we're hard-wired for protection. We know the present moment is all there is, so if we're focused on the problem or what is wrong, we miss all that is working and beautiful in the world.

Today, and throughout the New Year, I wish you GRACE.

GRACE loves.
GRACE accepts and understands. 
GRACE acknowledges and releases judgment.
GRACE is present and pure.

Grace means that all of your mistakes now serve a purpose instead of serving shame.
— Brené Brown

I wish you PRESENCE:

PRESENCE to create and be in each moment.
PRESENCE understands that worry and fear doesn't exist here.
PRESENCE describes who we've become and empowers us to decide who we want to be.
PRESENCE deepens relationships with ourselves and others.

Your presence is the most precious gift you can give to another human being.
— Marshall B. Rosenberg

So whatever your beliefs, whatever you love, whatever makes you laugh, whatever brings you joy & peace, may you create it, and may it be all yours today, and throughout this New Year, 2022.

Love & Blessings,
Marilyn 💕


*If you’d like to take a pause, reflect, refresh, and renew your intentions for the New Year, click HERE to download MY YEAR IN REVIEW.

Contact Marilyn

Power of Positive Affirmations

How to Use Affirmations to Overcome Fear

If you begin to use affirmations in your life, you'll unleash a power that can eliminate the control fear has over you. You can use affirmations to get you through the tough times and gain self-confidence.

Why You Have Fears

Throughout life, many situations will cause fear, but fear isn't always bad! It can actually play an important role in your life. 

Fear can instantly get your heart pumping faster and give you the adrenalin rush needed to get you away from a threatening situation. If someone were to chase you down the street, your fear could push you to run faster or think on your feet. In fact, fear may be necessary to drive you to safety.

Unfortunately, most of the time, fear also comes at times when you're in no danger at all. That's when fear becomes disempowering or destructive. These types of fears can hinder your daily lifestyle and make you act in ways that you wish you didn't.

These are the fears to overcome. Irrational fears, like the fear of being in an elevator or a fear of speaking in public, could cause you to avoid situations that could provide tremendous value in your life. Instead of avoiding fearful situations, learn to conquer your fears and live your life to the fullest.

How Affirmations Can Help

Affirmations can help you overcome your fears by keeping your focus on being positive and in the present moment. Affirmations are short, positive statements that are written in the present tense. They describe how you want to feel as if you already experience those empowering emotions.

You can find affirmations that pertain to your specific fear, or you can write your own. For example, if you fear elevators, you can recite to yourself: "I feel calm and relaxed right now." Repeat this phrase along with other affirmations next time you ride in an elevator. Find the courage within yourself to face the fearful situation.

The Importance of Believing in Yourself

Affirmations only provide power for you if you bring to them a determination to get over your fears. Repeated on a daily basis, affirmations reprogram your mind to believe and act differently in the stressful situations you're seeking to overcome. But you must be consistent and keep an open mind for them to work for you.

People get over their fears every day. You can find the courage and strength within yourself to finally declare that you're free from fear! Even if affirmations seem kind of silly at first, stick with it. They might not make you feel courageous immediately but give it some time. Keep repeating them and you will see positive results.

Affirmations for Any Fear

You can find affirmations for almost any fear or negative emotion. But it may be more effective to write your own. Simply imagine yourself in the situation, responding perfectly and feeling peaceful inside. Write a positive, present tense statement, in the first person, describing what you see in your mind's eye.

Create a few affirmations and repeat them to yourself over and over again. Repeat this exercise every day, and soon you'll begin to notice yourself feeling differently about the situation.

Once you've worked through one fear with affirmations, you'll possess a tool that can conquer any fear that you have.

Examples of Affirmations:

  • I am giving attention to the things that matter

  • I enjoy being present

  • I choose to live the life of my dreams

  • I create each moment of every day

  • I am living in alignment to my higher purpose

  • I give and receive love effortlessly

  • I am present right now. All that exists is now

  • My limitless potential is in this present moment

  • I do the best I can with what I have. I am grateful

  • I allow myself to experience all of my feelings


Now create your own and begin harnessing the power of affirmations today! Start small and allow the positive results to motivate you to use them more and more in the future.

Make it a beautiful day!







Many people don’t like the concept of fate, however, because it negates free will. But what if neither the traditional concept of fate, nor free will, really existed for most people? An unusual concept called self-fate helps explain why so many of us don’t have what we really want.

Read more